Kidney Disease and Hypertension Resources

You can live, and live well even with Kidney Disease or Hypertension.  Improve your health by learning as much as you can about how the kidneys work, kidney disease and hypertension.  We invite you to explore several trusted and comprehensive resources we have provided below to get you started.

Click on any of the logos or the web addresses to learn more.

If you still have questions after reviewing these sources, please contact us and one of our providers will guide you.

Understanding how the kidney works and your risk of disease

Kidney Failure Risk Equation: Find out your Real Risk Of Kidney Failure

What are Kidneys and how do they work

Understanding chronic kidney disease and kidney health

Evidence based web sites with patient education and extensive catalog of resources.

American Association of Kidney Patients

American Kidney Fund

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases

National Kidney Foundation

Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation

Understanding dialysis options

Educational videos for renal replacement modalities

Dialysis Treatment Options

How Peritoneal Dialysis Works

Video: Understanding Kidney Disease – Dialysis at Home

Dialysis Center Location Finder by Davita

Dialysis Center Location Finder by Davita

Network of New England: End-Stage Renal Disease Program

Understanding kidney stones and therapy 

Litholink 24-hour Urine Patient Results/Report

Kidney Stone Program – University of Chicago

Understanding transplant options and Pre-transplant Evaluation

Donate Life Program in America

Yale New Haven Health: Kidney Transplant Program

Understanding active medical management without dialysis and mental health

Advanced Care Planner: by Five Wishes National Program

Empowering People who have Kidney Disease

People sharing care wishes

Support for families and caregivers

Caregiver Action Network

Family Caregiver Alliance

Finances and staying employed

Family and Medical Leave Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

Clinical research trials

RDRI: Renal Disease Research Institute